Some people have hobbies, and some hobbies are to make your own friends.... Kira sent me this photo...
James' fancy foam super raygun photo
James is a cryogenic scientist. Which means he likes to freeze things and measure the electrical currents that run across these frozen things. He also likes to freeze things and hit them to see what happens, (this I think is more of a fun hobby) Thanks for the photo of your freezy ray gun James... and the cool places you mentioned to get robot parts..
Funny shaped irregular mattresses? Yes we do...!
New apartments try and make the best of space and views, but in doing so designers often make walls are not square, this can make finding the right furniture rather hard. Our client Guido made this irregular bed, angled to fit in a crazy wall space. And had us make the irregular mattress. Thanks for sending us a final shot Guido and nice job on the making...

Nifty fold out guest bed/sofa
Our clients can show some real talent in making furniture. This sofa/guest bed was made simply and beautifully using one of our supped up fold out mattresses/ This one was was up graded to a dense long lasting foam that would be suitable for sleeping and firm enough for sitting.

Volkswagon camper fold out bed
We made this nifty foldout bed for a Volkswagon camper. These are great campers with a wonderful design. But the mattresses can be a bit hard for people who are either a bit older or those with a back, hip or shoulder issue. We made this really comfortable mattress that folds up out of the the way when not in use. Everyone was happy with the result including us.
A simple cushion and alot of relief
We have made a number of cushions for people with pain when they sit. This one was for someone who couldn't sit while waiting for an operation. He brought it back to look into buying another and reported that it helped alot. It takes pressure off the back left area of the nether regions. We can be rather specific in where the cushion can relieve pressure.

Funky couch made by some of our very talented clients!
Ryan and Zara just moved here from out of town. The first thing they do is make a really funky and very space friendly sofa/eating area/entertaining area. We sold them the foam and grey textiles and they supplied the sweat, inspiration and a good deal of "hey no problem, I got this"...
Children's Festival Big OL Giant Dice
"Hey there Chris
What an amazing job you did on those dice!! They were perfect.
The whole game activity was a hit and the over-sized dice were so much fun for all of us!
They were strong enough to hold together after a week of throws, kicks, tumbles and goose poop! Amazing.
I really enjoyed talking to you and am very grateful for the fun and time and support you shared with our festival. Our community supporters are so very important to us and your generous donation is very much appreciated.
You helped bring fun and joy to so many."
Some feedback for custom made pain relief
Bernie came in with some really difficult to deal with pain issues occurring while he tried to sleep. We cut some well positioned holes in a double layer topper in order to reduce any contact at all. Here is a note he wrote us...
Hi Chris.
Some feedback you had requested in respect to the (2) - 2" foam bedding with cut hole I bought earlier this week.
Long story short, first time in decades where going to sleep is no longer the anticipated nightmare as the result of pressures to the hip/pelvis bones. I installed it over a fancy air-bed for additional cushioning and springiness, and this has worked wonders. For the first 3 days the cut hole totally took all minor pains, after that I could just sleep anywhere on the foam and it was all OK. Seemed the hole allowed some healing of sorts to take place for a few days (to my surprise) and the overall condition of my hip area has improved even walking during the daytime. It's possible some long ago injury of sorts continued to aggravate the area and it never had a chance to heal because I kept sleeping on the sides, the only way I can sleep. So this has gone way beyond merely a solution to uncomfortably bad sleep, but appears to be a remedy for the physical pressure/pain condition as a whole.
So, very happy camper here. The foam has a blend of perfect softness and springiness ... just what the doctor ordered. I'm going to try doing away with the airbed next week and lay the new foam over an existing 9" memory foam mattress which itself is little more than a soft bag of sand which has little spring ... we'll see how that goes.
Ok I know its not foam but it is interesting
I know that everything we right here should be about foam, but I would like to make an exception (well sort of) This article is a fairly good example of how little we know about the chemical make up of things we use on a daily basis. There are many chemicals that go into the making of plastic and those choices greatly effect the safety of the products we use. Foam is the same way. That's why all of our foam is made here in Canada, because we can ensure that only the safest materials surround us.
Charles made a case for his drone...
Charles was kind enough to send us a really good pic of his wacky drone cam in its foamy case. Thanks Charles!
Big change for Sue's sofa
Sue's doggies love to chew on her favorite sofa... so we made her a new cushion and fixed her matching chair to boot! Try saying "New Sue's Sofa" 10 times!
Cool dog bed with some fancy fabric
Dawn from Edmonton asked us to make this fancy bed for her new puppy. So we made this for her. (those are not her puppies)
Jig Saw Sailboat Cushion
This was a particularly comfortable boat mattress that we made. It is made out of Sunbrella fabric which is super durable, and has a memory foam top with a comfy but firm foam underneath. Turned out very well so I thought heck, lets post it. Thanks Wayne...
Scott's very inspiring chair
Scott Came in the other day and said... "I made a chair and I need some foam." So we gave him some great 2.5 lb foam that will last a long long time... did a quick cut or two and Scott sent me this picture of the chair completed. Thanks for the photo Scott, that's heck of a nice chair.
Fold out waterproof sleepers
We had some great clients who wanted to go a trip into the great outdoors and they wanted to be really comfortable while away. So we made them these fold out cushion\beds with waterproof bottoms to bring with them. we made these with straps so you could carry them around easily. We used a really good quality, easy wash material on them. Turned out great!
Simple, Modern and beautiful cushions made by VancouverFoam
Andrew came to us and asked us to make some simple cushions for a design he had been working on. He wanted something modern and sleek for seating in his loft. We were happy to do it and he sent us a few photos. Nice design Andrew, thanks for thinking about us for the cushion segment.
Using foam for a travelling case is easy.
The problem was that this rather expensive bow rattled around inside the case and the owner was worried that it could be damaged. So we cut the foam to size and the cut the objects out of the foam after tracing around them. It is of course really simple, but it looks really professional and if the case is dropped, the bow will be fine.
The foam is cut after tracing around the objects.Simple!
Then we just glue the foam in place using a spray adhesive.
Why you shouldnt buy from Big Box stores
Made in the USA?
I went to look at some of the memory foam toppers at the big box stores and checked out the back of the boxes. This is the label on the back. I blurred out the features a bit for obvious reasons. So are you buying North American memory foam or not? If the components are not from here? Yes it is a little cheaper! But Canadian made foam is highly regulated, and if there was a problem there are manufacturers here that are on the hook for mistakes that are made... Go Canada!
Super dense yoga blocks!
Yoga blocks for the right price? Yes...
Did you ever notice that some things are crazy expensive depending on what you call them? For example, call a party a wedding and you are in over your head... Sparkling wine or Champagne? Suit or Tuxedo?
Yoga block or block of foam for yoga...?!
Well as it happened this foam really is a good dense and high quality foam... and it is perfect for yoga. But for $8.99 a block lets call it .... a very good deal.